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Come aggiungere tutti i bordi alle celle con scorciatoie in Excel?

Come sai, i bordi non vengono aggiunti per le celle in Excel per impostazione predefinita. A volte, potresti voler applicare i bordi alle celle per renderle eccezionali. Qui introdurrò alcune scorciatoie per aggiungere o rimuovere tutti i bordi, nonché il comando Bordo per applicare i bordi in Excel.

Aggiungi o rimuovi tutti i bordi con scorciatoie in Excel

Aggiungi tutti i bordi esterni con i collegamenti di Ctrl + Shift + &: Seleziona le celle a cui desideri aggiungere tutti i bordi esterni, quindi premi il tasto Ctrl + Shift + & allo stesso tempo, ora vedrai che i bordi esterni vengono aggiunti immediatamente per le celle selezionate.

Aggiungi tutti i bordi con la scorciatoia di altro - H - B - A: Selezionare l'intervallo in cui si desidera aggiungere tutti i bordi, quindi premere altro, H, B, A chiavi una per una. Vedi screenshot:
le scorciatoie doc aggiungono tutti i bordi

Rimuovi tutti i bordi con i collegamenti di Ctrl + Shift + _: Selezionare l'intervallo in cui si desidera cancellare tutti i bordi e premere il tasto Ctrl + Shift + _ contemporaneamente, vedrai che tutti i bordi vengono rimossi dall'intervallo selezionato.

Aggiungi tutti i bordi alle celle con il comando Bordo in Excel

Oltre ai tasti di scelta rapida, possiamo anche applicare il comando Bordo per aggiungere facilmente tutti i bordi alle celle selezionate in Excel.

1. Seleziona le celle a cui desideri aggiungere tutti i bordi in Excel.

2. Vai al Casa scheda, quindi fare clic su Confine > Tutti i bordi. Vedi screenshot:
doc tutte le scorciatoie di bordo 3
Quindi vedrai tutti i bordi aggiunti alle celle selezionate contemporaneamente.

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Comments (26)
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is it possible to use short cut key of border for all types of borders
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for All cell borders just type Alt+H+B+A key one by one
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Select the range you want to add all borders, and then press Alt, H, B, A keys one by one
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Select the range you want to add all borders, and then press Alt, H, B, A keys one by one
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how to shortcut key all to boarder
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if you are new on Excel then try this Shortcuts ... no One will tell about this .
1 : For Spelling Check ( Just Select the Sentence or Word and Hold ALT Key and press R + S or just press only F7 after Selecting the Text )
2 : For Wrap Text ( Select the Box and Hold ALT and press H +W )
3: To Copy and Paste your Text in to New Excel Sheet ( Hold CTRL +A +C + N+ V ) and you are Done
4: For New Sheet ( Hold CTRL +N )
5: To Find Some Thing In Your Sheet ( Hold CTRL + F or CTRL + H)
6: To Save Your Documents ( Hold CTRL + S or ALT + 1 )
7: To Close Your Current Sheet ( CTRL + W )
8: To Copy ( CTRL + C )
9: To Paste ( CTRL + V )
10: To Cut ( CTRL + X )
11: To Undo ( CTRL + Z )
12: To Copy Upper Cell Dialogue or Sentence ( Just Hold CTRL and Press D (CTRL + D )

I Hope this Little Help will help you , If yeah . then comment me , and tell me your Queries ?
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for All side borders just type Alt+H+B+A = All Side Borders
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Hi Mohammad,
You are right! Pressing Alt – H – B – A keys successively will add all borders to the selection.
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thnxx.. Kellytte..
if u have any types of Queries plzz let me know that..
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Hot key for all boarders ?
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Ctrl + Shift + & is able to add outside borders for the highlighted selection only.
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Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in Excel
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ctrl+sift+&- outline border

ctrl+shift+_- cell border
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[quote]Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in ExcelBy Chaya[/quote] Short cut key to put borders for all the cells in Excel- Shift+Alt+H+B+O
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It should be only Alt+H+B+A
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perfect. thanks.
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thanks you so much bro
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Thanks brother
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Thank you Kishore
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Thank you Kishore
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ty kishore
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Its not working.Even after pressing Alt+H+B+A.Still we need to select All border option.
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It's not Alt+H+B+A - it's alt key navigation.

Hold down Alt.
Press H
Press B
Press A
Let go
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I just did a press of Alt, not hold it down.
Press ALT
Press H
Press B
Press A

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nice. its working
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