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Come eseguire la formattazione condizionale basata su un altro foglio nel foglio di Google?

Se desideri applicare la formattazione condizionale per evidenziare le celle in base a un elenco di dati da un altro foglio come mostrato nella seguente schermata nel foglio di Google, hai dei metodi facili e buoni per risolverlo?

Formattazione condizionale per evidenziare le celle in base a un elenco di un altro foglio in Fogli Google

Formattazione condizionale per evidenziare le celle in base a un elenco di un altro foglio in Fogli Google



Si prega di eseguire i seguenti passaggi per completare questo lavoro:

1. Clic Formato > Formattazione condizionale, vedi screenshot:

2. Nel Regole di formato condizionale riquadro, eseguire le seguenti operazioni:

(1.) Fare clic su pulsante per selezionare i dati della colonna che si desidera evidenziare;

(2.) Nella Formatta le celle se elenco a discesa, scegli La formula personalizzata è opzione, quindi inserisci questa formula: = corrispondenza (C2, indiretto ("elenco dati! A2: A"), 0) nella casella di testo;

(3.) Quindi selezionare una formattazione dal file Stile di formattazione di cui hai bisogno.

Note:: Nella formula sopra: C2 è la prima cella dei dati della colonna che desideri evidenziare e il file lista dei dati! A2: A è il nome del foglio e l'intervallo di celle dell'elenco che contiene i criteri su cui si desidera evidenziare le celle.

3. E tutte le celle corrispondenti in base alle celle dell'elenco sono state evidenziate contemporaneamente, quindi dovresti fare clic su Fatto pulsante per chiudere il Regole di formato condizionale riquadro di cui hai bisogno.


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Comments (27)
Rated 5 out of 5 · 2 ratings
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Hi! skyyang ! Thank you, =match(C2,indirect("data list!A2:A"),0) works for me.

But I would like to format more than one column, so column A in sheet a is checked against column B in sheet b , and so.
There are so many columns so I can not apply one format per column, but a whole conditional format for the whole sheet.

How should I modify the range and the formula?

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What if the cell values you're trying to match are hyperlinks?
Rated 5 out of 5
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Pardon, il fallait lire =A1<>INDIRECT("PreviousVersion!"& CHAR (COLUMN () + 64) & ROW ()) ...
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J'ai une autre question du même type au sujet d'un formatage conditionnel qui fonctionne sur Excel mais que je n'arrive pas à porter sur Google Sheet :
L'idée est de comparer 2 versions d'une même feuille que l'on stock à l'aide de 2 onglets (2 feuilles du même workbook)

La formule est la suivante : =A1<>'previousVersion'!A1 avec un formatage fond jaune pour mettre en évidence les changements sur toute la feuille car l'idée est d'appliquer ce
formatage conditionnel sur toutes les cellules de la feuille ($A$1:$V:1000)

Sur Google sheet cette formule m'est interdite et si je passe par un "indirect("previousVersion!A1"), je perds le coté dynamique sur le "A1" de la feuille precious version
Si j'essaye =A1<>indirect("previousVersion!"&A1) j'ai une erreur car c'est la valeur de A1 qui est interprétée et concaténée avec "previousVersion!"

Si j'essaye la formule =C3<>INDIRECT("PreviousVersion!"& CHAR (COLUMN () + 64) & ROW ()) cela ne fonctionne pas non plus....

Si vous avez une solution...
Merci d'avance
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Dans Feuille google je cherche la formule suivante
Si dans la cel A1 = text alors dans la Cel B1 ecire telle valeur ou texte automatiquement
Merci d avance pour votre aide
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What if it's not an exact match but contains the reference data.
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Hello, ashley
To solve your problem, please apply the below formula:

Please try, hope it can help you!
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What happens if the data in my list is in more than one column? When I try to use datalist!A2:M or datalist!A:M or datalist!A2:M17 none of those work.
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I have even tried naming the specific range I want to refer to and using that in the formula, no luck.
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How to highlight the entire row data with conditional formatting using other sub-sheet
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Hello, Ranganath
To highlight the entire row based on the data list, please do as this:
1. In the Apply to range box, select the whole sheet;
2. Apply this formula: =match($C2,indirect("datalist!A2:A"),0) into the Custom formula is textbox.
Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hey, Thanks for replying. I have tried the formula but its not working.
Rated 5 out of 5
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Have you modified the sheet name and cell reference to your own data?
$C2 is the first cell of the column data that you want to highlight, and the datalist!A2:A is another sheet name and list range which contains the criteria you want to highlight the cells based on.
Please check them, thank you!
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This doesn't work for me. I have triple checked everything.

Apply to range: K1:K2158


It highlights random other city names, not in the TorontoCity's list.

K2 (is my main sheet and the starting column cell of the column I want to be affected.
TorontoCitys (is the name of the sheet)
A1 is the start of the column of the list of city names.
A is the column.

Could be that my punctuation's are incorrect?

Thanks in advance.
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Hello friend,

Glad to help. Your formula is correct, please don't worry. The problem is the range you apply to. It shouldn't be K1:K2158, but K2:K2158.

Please see the screenshots. The example is simple but enough to explain the problem.

The correct "Apply to Range" is A2:A20. And the correct formula is =match(A2,indirect("TorontoCitys!A1:A"),0). Then correct cities can be highlighted. Please see screenshot 2.
But if I change the "Apply to Range" to A1:A20, the wrong city name is highlighted. Please see screenshot 3.

So please change your "Apply to Range" from K1:K2158 to K2:K2158. The problem should be solved. Looking forward to your reply.

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how do you do this but with the entire row highlighted
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