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Come trovare promemoria posticipati in Outlook?

Ad esempio, quando si posticipa un promemoria nella finestra Promemoria, il promemoria scomparirà immediatamente. Pertanto, come potresti scoprire il promemoria posticipato? In questo articolo, introdurrò la soluzione per trovare promemoria posticipati in Outlook.

Trova promemoria posticipati nel calendario di Outlook

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freccia blu freccia destraTrova promemoria posticipati nel calendario di Outlook

Questo metodo introdurrà un VBA per cercare tutti i promemoria posticipati a Oggi in Outlook. Si prega di fare quanto segue:

1. Passare a posta visualizzare e premere i tasti Alt + F11 insieme per aprire la finestra di Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition.

2. Clic inserire > Modulie incolla sotto il codice VBA nella nuova finestra del modulo.

VBA: trova promemoria posticipati in Outlook

Sub SnoozedReminders()

  Dim xReminder As  Reminder

  Dim xReminders  As Outlook.Reminders

  Dim xRemItems As  String

  Dim k As Long

  k = 0

  Set xReminders =  Outlook.Reminders

  For Each xReminder  In xReminders

  If  ReminderExpired(xReminder) = True Then

  k = k +  1

  xRemItems = xRemItems & k & ": " &  xReminder.Caption & vbCr & "      Snoozed to " & xReminder.NextReminderDate & vbCr & vbCr

  End If

  Next xReminder

  CreateRemItemsAsEmail "Snoozed RemItems",  xRemItems

  End Sub

Function ReminderExpired(Reminder As Outlook.Reminder)  As Boolean

  If  (Reminder.OriginalReminderDate <> Reminder.NextReminderDate) Then

  ReminderExpired = (Reminder.OriginalReminderDate <>  Reminder.NextReminderDate)

  End If

  End Function

Public Sub CreateRemItemsAsEmail(Theme As String,  RemItems As String)

  Dim xSession As Outlook.NameSpace

  Dim xMailItem As MailItem

  Dim xInboxFd As Outlook.Folder

  On Error Resume Next

  Set xSession = Application.Session

  Set xInboxFd =  xSession.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

  Set xMailItem =  xInboxFd.Items.Add("IPM.Mail")

  With xMailItem

  .Subject =  Theme

  .body =  RemItems



  End With

  Set xSession = Nothing

  Set xInboxFd = Nothing

  Set xmail = Nothing

  End Sub

3. premi il F5 o fare clic su Correre pulsante per eseguire questo VBA.

Ora puoi vedere tutti i promemoria posticipati a oggi vengono incollati come corpo del messaggio in una nuova email. Vedi screenshot:

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HiI am having problem. I get the following error intermittently "Method Caption of object reminder failed " It then words with nothing being changed.Any ideas welcome.Thanks(I really use this macro when working !
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Hi Dave AA,
For your problem, please try the code below:
<div data-tag="code">Sub SnoozedReminders()

Dim xReminder As Reminder

Dim xReminders As Outlook.Reminders

Dim xRemItems As String

Dim k As Long

On Error Resume Next

k = 0

Set xReminders = Outlook.Application.Reminders

For Each xReminder In xReminders

If ReminderExpired(xReminder) = True Then

k = k + 1

xRemItems = xRemItems & k & ": " & xReminder.Caption & vbCr & " Snoozed to " & xReminder.NextReminderDate & vbCr & vbCr

End If

Next xReminder

CreateRemItemsAsEmail "Snoozed RemItems", xRemItems

End Sub

Function ReminderExpired(Reminder As Outlook.Reminder) As Boolean

If (Reminder.OriginalReminderDate <> Reminder.NextReminderDate) Then

ReminderExpired = (Reminder.OriginalReminderDate <> Reminder.NextReminderDate)

End If

End Function

Public Sub CreateRemItemsAsEmail(Theme As String, RemItems As String)

Dim xMailItem As MailItem

On Error Resume Next

Set xMailItem = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)

With xMailItem

.Subject = Theme

.Body = RemItems



End With

Set xMail = Nothing

End SubHope this works for you.
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Hi Amanda.Perfect.Many Thanks
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This was so helpful. Thank you.
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WICKED this was helpful thanks!
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