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Come inserire la firma di Outlook durante l'invio di e-mail in Excel?

Autore: Silvia Ultima modifica: 2022-08-03

Supponendo di voler inviare un'e-mail direttamente in Excel, come puoi aggiungere la firma di Outlook predefinita nell'e-mail? Questo articolo fornisce due metodi per aiutarti ad aggiungere la firma di Outlook quando invii e-mail in Excel.

Inserisci la firma nell'e-mail di Outlook quando invii tramite Excel VBA
Inserisci facilmente la firma di Outlook durante l'invio di e-mail in Excel con uno strumento straordinario

Altri tutorial per l'invio di posta in Excel ...

Inserisci la firma nell'e-mail di Outlook quando invii tramite Excel VBA

Ad esempio, c'è un elenco di indirizzi e-mail in un foglio di lavoro, per inviare e-mail a tutti questi indirizzi in Excel e aggiungere la firma di Outlook predefinita nelle e-mail. Si prega di applicare il codice VBA sottostante per ottenerlo.

1. Aprire il foglio di lavoro che contiene l'elenco di indirizzi e-mail a cui si desidera inviare un'e-mail, quindi premere il tasto altro + F11 chiavi.

2. In apertura Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra, fare clic inserire > Modulo, e quindi copia il seguente VABA 2 nella finestra del codice del modulo.

3. Ora è necessario sostituire il file .Corpo linea in VABA 2 con il codice in VABA 1. Dopodiché, sposta la linea .Schermo sotto la linea Con xMailOut.

VBA 1: modello di invio di e-mail con la firma predefinita di Outlook in Excel

.HTMLBody = "This is a test email sending in Excel" & "<br>" & .HTMLBody

VBA 2: invia e-mail agli indirizzi e-mail specificati nelle celle in Excel

Sub SendEmailToAddressInCells()
    Dim xRg As Range
    Dim xRgEach As Range
    Dim xRgVal As String
    Dim xAddress As String
    Dim xOutApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim xMailOut As Outlook.MailItem
    On Error Resume Next
    xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set xRg = Application.InputBox("Please select email address range", "KuTools For Excel", xAddress, , , , , 8)
    If xRg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xRg = xRg.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
    For Each xRgEach In xRg
        xRgVal = xRgEach.Value
        If xRgVal Like "?*@?*.?*" Then
            Set xMailOut = xOutApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
            With xMailOut
                .To = xRgVal
                .Subject = "Test"
                .Body = "Dear " _
                      & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
                        "This is a test email " & _
                        "sending in Excel"
            End With
        End If
    Set xMailOut = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Lo screenshot seguente può aiutarti a trovare facilmente le differenze dopo aver modificato il codice VBA.

4. premi il F5 chiave per eseguire il codice. Poi un Kutools for Excel si apre la casella di selezione, selezionare gli indirizzi e-mail a cui verranno inviate le e-mail, quindi fare clic su OK.

Quindi vengono create le e-mail. Puoi vedere la firma predefinita di Outlook aggiunta alla fine del corpo dell'e-mail.


  • 1. È possibile modificare il corpo dell'email nel codice VBA 1 in base alle proprie esigenze.
  • 2. Dopo aver eseguito il codice, se viene visualizzata una finestra di dialogo di errore che avverte che il tipo definito dall'utente non è definito, chiudere questa finestra di dialogo e quindi fare clic su Strumenti > Riferimenti nel Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra. In apertura Riferimenti - VBAProject finestra, controlla il file Libreria di oggetti di Microsoft Outlook box e clicca OK. E poi esegui di nuovo il codice.

Inserisci facilmente la firma di Outlook durante l'invio di e-mail in Excel con uno strumento straordinario

Se sei un principiante in VBA, qui consiglio vivamente il Inviare emails utilità di Kutools for Excel per te. Con questa funzione, puoi inviare facilmente e-mail in base a determinati campi in Excel e aggiungere la firma di Outlook. Si prega di fare quanto segue.

Prima di applicare Kutools for Excel, Per favore scaricalo e installalo prima.

In primo luogo, è necessario creare una mailing list con diversi campi su cui inviare le e-mail.

Puoi creare manualmente una mailing list in base alle tue esigenze o applicare la funzione Crea mailing list per farlo rapidamente.

1. Clic Kutools Plus > Crea mailing list.

2. Nel Crea mailing list finestra di dialogo, specificare i campi necessari, scegliere dove stampare l'elenco, quindi fare clic su OK pulsante.

3. Ora viene creato un esempio di mailing list. Poiché si tratta di un elenco di esempio, è necessario modificare i campi con determinati contenuti necessari. (sono consentite più righe)

4. Successivamente, seleziona l'intero elenco (includi le intestazioni), fai clic su Kutools Plus > Inviare emails.

5. Nel Inviare emails la finestra di dialogo:

  • 5.1) Gli elementi nella mailing list selezionata vengono inseriti automaticamente nei campi corrispondenti;
  • 5.2) Termina il corpo dell'email;
  • 5.3) Verificare sia il file Invia email tramite Outlook ed Usa le impostazioni della firma di Outlook scatole;
  • 5.4) Fare clic su Invia pulsante. Vedi screenshot:

Ora vengono inviate le e-mail. E la firma predefinita di Outlook viene aggiunta alla fine del corpo dell'email.

  Se desideri avere una prova gratuita (30 giorni) di questa utility, fare clic per scaricarlo, quindi andare ad applicare l'operazione secondo i passaggi precedenti.

Articoli correlati:

Invia e-mail agli indirizzi e-mail specificati nelle celle in Excel
Supponendo che tu abbia un elenco di indirizzi e-mail e desideri inviare messaggi e-mail a questi indirizzi in blocco direttamente in Excel. Come ottenerlo? Questo articolo ti mostrerà i metodi per inviare e-mail a più indirizzi e-mail specificati nelle celle in Excel.

Invia e-mail copiando e incollando un intervallo specificato nel corpo dell'e-mail in Excel
In molti casi, un intervallo di contenuti specificato nel foglio di lavoro di Excel può essere utile nella comunicazione e-mail. In questo articolo, introdurremo un metodo per inviare un'e-mail con un intervallo specificato incollato nel corpo dell'e-mail direttamente in Excel.

Invia e-mail con più allegati allegati in Excel
Questo articolo parla dell'invio di un'e-mail tramite Outlook con più allegati allegati in Excel.

Invia e-mail se la data di scadenza è stata rispettata in Excel
Ad esempio, se la data di scadenza nella colonna C è inferiore o uguale a 7 giorni (la data corrente è 2017/9/13), inviare un promemoria e-mail al destinatario specificato nella colonna A con il contenuto specificato nella colonna B. Procedura raggiungerlo? Questo articolo fornirà un metodo VBA per affrontarlo in dettaglio.

Invia automaticamente e-mail in base al valore della cella in Excel
Supponendo di voler inviare un'e-mail tramite Outlook a un determinato destinatario in base a un valore di cella specificato in Excel. Ad esempio, quando il valore della cella D7 in un foglio di lavoro è maggiore di 200, viene creata automaticamente un'e-mail. Questo articolo introduce un metodo VBA per risolvere rapidamente questo problema.

Altri tutorial per l'invio di posta in Excel ...

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How do i add signature in Email body?

Sub outlook165050()
' Send 165050 mail
Dim xMailBody As String

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

With OutMail
.To = " ; ; "
.CC = " ; ; "
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "165050 Swap VM Movements " & Date
.Body = "Todays VM for 165050 is $0"

End With
End Sub
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Hi Raaj Mehta,

You VBA code has been modified. Please give it a try.

Sub outlook165050()
' Send 165050 mail
Dim xMailBody As String

Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

With OutMail
.To = " ;  ; "
.CC = " ;  ; "
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "165050 Swap VM Movements " & Date
.HTMLBody = "Todays VM for 165050 is $0" & "<br>" & .HTMLBody

End With
End Sub
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Hello, I am trying to fix my VBA Code. I would like to include one of my outlook signatures with a logo. Is this possible, and where do I put the code that I am currently using? Any assistance would be great.

Sub EmailAspdf()

Dim EApp As Object
Set EApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

Dim EItem As Object
Set EItem = EApp.CreateItem(0)

Dim invno As Long
Dim custname As String
Dim amt As Currency
Dim dt_issue As Date
Dim term As Byte
Dim nextrec As Range
Dim path As String
Dim fname As String

invno = Range("I4")
custname = Range("A11")
amt = Range("I42")
dt_issue = Range("I6")
term = Range("I7")
path = "mypath"
fname = invno & " - " & custname

ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, Filename:=path & fname

Set nextrec = Sheet3.Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)

nextrec = invno
nextrec.Offset(0, 1) = custname
nextrec.Offset(0, 2) = amt
nextrec.Offset(0, 3) = dt_issue
nextrec.Offset(0, 4) = dt_issue + term
nextrec.Offset(0, 8) = Now

Sheet3.Hyperlinks.Add anchor:=nextrec.Offset(0, 6), Address:=path & fname & ".pdf"

With EItem

.To = Range("A17")

.Subject = Range("A11") & " " & "Invoice No: " & Range("I4") & " " & "for California Advocates"

.body = "Hello " & Range("A11") & "," & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& "Please see the attached invoice for " & Range("A11") & "." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& "If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
& "Best," & vbNewLine _
& "Mynamehere" & vbNewLine

.Attachments.Add (path & fname & ".pdf")


End With
Exit Sub

End Sub
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Hi RoseAnne,

You can manually add the logo to your signature in advance before applying the VBA code. The code needs to be put in the Module code window (press the Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor, click Insert > Module)
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Oi Cristal, a minha macro perde a configuração da assinatura do e-mail, com imagens e formatação original. Como consigo resolver?

Sub Geraremail()

Dim OLapp As Outlook.Application
Dim janela As Outlook.MailItem

Set OLapp = New Outlook.Application
Set janela = OLapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Arquivo01 = "Mapa AN"
Anexo01 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Arquivo01 & ".xlsm"

With janela
.To = Sheets("Base").Range("A2").Value
.CC = Sheets("Base").Range("A5").Value
.Subject = "Mapa - Acrilo " & Format(Date, "")
assinatura = .Body
.Body = "Prezados/as," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Segue anexo o mapa de Acrilonitrila considerando as vendas previstas no S&OP." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & assinatura
.Attachments.Add Anexo01
End With

End Sub
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Com a mudança abaixo, consegui ajustar. Porém a letra do corpo da mensagem fica em Times New Roman. Gostaria de usar Calibri, como posso alterar o código?

Sub Geraremail()

Dim OLapp As Outlook.Application
Dim janela As Outlook.MailItem

Set OLapp = New Outlook.Application
Set janela = OLapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

Arquivo01 = "Mapa AN"
Anexo01 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Arquivo01 & ".xlsm"

With janela
.To = Sheets("Base").Range("A2").Value
.CC = Sheets("Base").Range("A5").Value
.Subject = "Mapa - Acrilo " & Format(Date, "")
assinatura = .Body
.HTMLBody = "Prezados/as," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Segue anexo o mapa de Acrilonitrila considerando as vendas previstas no S&OP." & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
.Attachments.Add Anexo01
End With

End Sub
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Hi Milla,
The following VBA code can help you change the font of email body to Calibri, please give it a try. Thank you.
Before running the code, you need to click Tools > Reference in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, and then check the Microsoft Word Object Library checkbox in the References - VBAProject dialog box as the attached file shown below.
Sub Geraremail()
Dim OLapp As Outlook.Application
Dim janela As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xDoc As Document 'Click Tools > Reference to enable the Microsoft Word Object Library
On Error Resume Next
Set OLapp = New Outlook.Application
Set janela = OLapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Arquivo01 = "Mapa AN"
Anexo01 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Arquivo01 & ".xlsm"
With janela
  .To = Sheets("Base").Range("A2").Value
  .CC = Sheets("Base").Range("A5").Value
  .Subject = "Mapa - Acrilo " & Format(Date, "")
   assinatura = .Body
  .HTMLBody = "Prezados/as," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Segue anexo o mapa de Acrilonitrila considerando as vendas previstas no S&OP." & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
  .Attachments.Add Anexo01
End With
Set xDoc = janela.GetInspector.WordEditor
xDoc.Content.Font.Name = "Calibri"
End Sub
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Hi Milla,
The following VBA code can help you change the font of email body to Calibri, please give it a try. Thank you.
Before running the code, you need to click Tools > Reference in the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, and then check the Microsoft Word Object Library checkbox in the References - VBAProject dialog box as the screenshot shown below.
Sub Geraremail()
Dim OLapp As Outlook.Application
Dim janela As Outlook.MailItem
Dim xDoc As Document 'Click Tools > Reference to enable the Microsoft Word Object Library
On Error Resume Next
Set OLapp = New Outlook.Application
Set janela = OLapp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Arquivo01 = "Mapa AN"
Anexo01 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Arquivo01 & ".xlsm"
With janela
  .To = Sheets("Base").Range("A2").Value
  .CC = Sheets("Base").Range("A5").Value
  .Subject = "Mapa - Acrilo " & Format(Date, "")
   assinatura = .Body
  .HTMLBody = "Prezados/as," & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Segue anexo o mapa de Acrilonitrila considerando as vendas previstas no S&OP." & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
  .Attachments.Add Anexo01
End With
Set xDoc = janela.GetInspector.WordEditor
xDoc.Content.Font.Name = "Calibri"
End Sub
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I'm trying to send individual sheets from excel to different emails, but it will only attach the workbook itself.  Also, need to be able to add my signature line in.  Any help?Sub AST_Email_From_Excel()

Dim emailApplication As Object
Dim emailItem As Object

Set emailApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set emailItem = emailApplication.CreateItem(0)

' Now we build the email. = Range("e2").Value

emailItem.CC = Range("g2").Value

emailItem.Subject = "Unreturned Techquidation Equipment"

emailItem.Body = "See the attached spreadsheet for unreturned items in your area"

'Attach current Workbook
emailItem.Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName

'Attach any file from your computer.
'emailItem.Attachments.Add ("C:\...)"

'Send the email

'Display the email so the user can change it as desired before sending

Set emailItem = Nothing
Set emailApplication = Nothing

End Sub
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Hi Chris,The code you provided has been modified. The Outlook signature can now be inserted into the message body. Please give it a try. Thank you.<div data-tag="code">Sub AST_Email_From_Excel()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20220211
Dim emailApplication As Object
Dim emailItem As Object
Set emailApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set emailItem = emailApplication.CreateItem(0)

' Now we build the email.
emailItem.Display 'Display the email so the user can change it as desired before sending = Range("e2").Value
emailItem.CC = Range("g2").Value
emailItem.Subject = "Unreturned Techquidation Equipment"
emailItem.HTMLBody = "See the attached spreadsheet for unreturned items in your area" & "<br>" & emailItem.HTMLBody

'Attach current Workbook
emailItem.Attachments.Add ActiveWorkbook.FullName

Set emailItem = Nothing
Set emailApplication = Nothing

End Sub
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Hi Crystal,Thank you for getting it to add the signature, doesn't appear to like the HTMLBody section though.When I run the macro, it debugs on emailItem.HTMLBody = "See the attached spreadsheet for unreturned items in your area" & "<br>" & emailItem.HTMLBodyand doesn't complete the rest.  
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Which Excel version are you using? The following VBA code also can help. Please give it a try. Thanks for your feedback.<div data-tag="code">Sub SendWorkSheet()
'Update by Extendoffice 20220218
Dim xFile As String
Dim xFormat As Long
Dim Wb As Workbook
Dim Wb2 As Workbook
Dim FilePath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim OutlookApp As Object
Dim OutlookMail As Object
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set Wb = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Set Wb2 = Application.ActiveWorkbook
Select Case Wb.FileFormat
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbook:
xFile = ".xlsx"
xFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Case xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled:
If Wb2.HasVBProject Then
xFile = ".xlsm"
xFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
xFile = ".xlsx"
xFormat = xlOpenXMLWorkbook
End If
Case Excel8:
xFile = ".xls"
xFormat = Excel8
Case xlExcel12:
xFile = ".xlsb"
xFormat = xlExcel12
End Select
FilePath = Environ$("temp") & "\"
FileName = Wb.Name & Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutlookMail = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0)
Wb2.SaveAs FilePath & FileName & xFile, FileFormat:=xFormat
'xstr = Range("e2") & " ; " & Range("g2")
With OutlookMail
.To = Range("e2")
.CC = Range("g2")
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Unreturned Techquidation Equipment"
.HTMLBody = "See the attached spreadsheet for unreturned items in your area" & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
.Attachments.Add Wb2.FullName
End With
Kill FilePath & FileName & xFile
Set OutlookMail = Nothing
Set OutlookApp = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Looks to be Excel 2016 and VBA 7.1
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It's really helpful code
I need to change text format from right to left In the xOutMsg line
help please .
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I am trying to integrate this code into the current format I currently have whereby I am able to automate emails within excel based on a set range of values. Any help in regard to where to add the 'signature' code within what I currently have would be much appreciated.

Public Sub CheckAndSendMail()

'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/11/22

Dim xRgDate As Range

Dim xRgSend As Range

Dim xRgText As Range

Dim xRgDone As Range

Dim xOutApp As Object

Dim xMailItem As Object

Dim xLastRow As Long

Dim vbCrLf As String

Dim xMailBody As String

Dim xRgDateVal As String

Dim xRgSendVal As String

Dim xMailSubject As String

Dim I As Long

On Error Resume Next

'Please specify the due date range

xStrRang = "D2:D110"

Set xRgDate = Range(xStrRang)

'Please specify the recipients email address range

xStrRang = "C2:C110"

Set xRgSend = Range(xStrRang)

xStrRang = "A2:A110"

Set xRgName = Range(xStrRang)

'Specify the range with reminded content in your email

xStrRang = "Z2:Z110"

Set xRgText = Range(xStrRang)

xLastRow = xRgDate.Rows.Count

Set xRgDate = xRgDate(1)

Set xRgSend = xRgSend(1)

Set xRgName = xRgName(1)

Set xRgText = xRgText(1)

Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

For I = 1 To xLastRow

xRgDateVal = ""

xRgDateVal = xRgDate.Offset(I - 1).Value

If xRgDateVal <> "" Then

If CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date <= 30 And CDate(xRgDateVal) - Date > 0 Then

xRgSendVal = xRgSend.Offset(I - 1).Value

xMailSubject = " JBC Service Agreement Expiring On The " & xRgDateVal

vbCrLf = "


xMailBody = ""

xMailBody = xMailBody & "Dear " & xRgName.Offset(I - 1).Value & vbCrLf

xMailBody = xMailBody & " " & xRgText.Offset(I - 1).Value & vbCrLf

xMailBody = xMailBody & ""

Set xMailItem = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)

With xMailItem

.Subject = xMailSubject

.To = xRgSendVal

.CC = ""

.HTMLBody = xMailBody



End With

Set xMailItem = Nothing

End If

End If


Set xOutApp = Nothing

End Sub
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Thanks to you, I can add signature now but then it removes spaces between paragraph of text. Please Can you Help me ?

Sub helloworld()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim cell As Range
Dim Path As String
Path = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

For Each cell In Range("C4:C6")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.To = cell.Value
.Subject = Cells(cell.Row, "D").Value
.HTMLBody = "Dear " & Cells(cell.Row, "B").Value & "," _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Warm Greetings" _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"We, JK Overseas, would like to take an opportunity and introduce our company J K Overseas, which is involved in the salt business for the last 3 years. We are currently strong in domestic and expanding overseas. We are the supplier of Edible Salt, Water Softening Salt, De-icing Salt, Industrial Salt" & "." _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"We have a tie-up with large scale manufacturers in India and procure from them quality Salt and exports. So, we are looking for a reliable expert importer as well as distributor agent to make a long-term Business with mutual benefit" & "." _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"Please contact us with your requirement or for any other inquiries you may have. We provide reliable logistics and on-time delivery. We are confident that our prices being most competitive will match your expectations" & "." _
& vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _

End With
Next cell
End Sub
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Can someone help me with my VBA,
I need the signature in the email created:
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Hi, I would need help with my macro, I need to insert the Outlook signature under the table, could you help me with that?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim outlook As Object
Dim newEmail As Object
Dim xInspect As Object
Dim pageEditor As Object

Set outlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set newEmail = outlook.CreateItem(0)

With newEmail
.To = Sheet5.Range("F1")
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = Sheet5.Range("B5")
.Body = Sheet5.Range("B41")

Set xInspect = newEmail.GetInspector
Set pageEditor = xInspect.WordEditor


pageEditor.Application.Selection.Start = Len(.Body)
pageEditor.Application.Selection.End = pageEditor.Application.Selection.Start
pageEditor.Application.Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatPlainText)

Set pageEditor = Nothing
Set xInspect = Nothing
End With

Set newEmail = Nothing
Set outlook = Nothing

End Sub
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Hi Bara,
Sorry can't help you with that. Thanks for your comment.
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Thanks a lot...
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