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Come registrare automaticamente la data e l'ora quando la cella cambia?

Autore: Xiaoyang Ultima modifica: 2014-08-06

È facile per noi inserire manualmente data e ora statiche o inserire una data dinamica che cambia con l'ora di sistema con una formula. Se si desidera registrare automaticamente la data e l'ora quando si modificano o si immettono valori, questo problema potrebbe essere leggermente diverso da affrontare. Ma, in questo articolo, puoi risolvere questa attività con i seguenti passaggi.

Registra automaticamente la data e l'ora quando la cella cambia con il codice VBA

freccia blu freccia destra Registra automaticamente la data e l'ora quando la cella cambia con il codice VBA

Ad esempio, ho un intervallo di valori e ora, quando cambio o digito nuovi valori nella colonna B, voglio che la data e l'ora correnti vengano registrate automaticamente nella colonna C come mostrato nella seguente schermata:


È possibile completare questa attività con il seguente codice VBA. Per favore, fai come segue:

1. Tieni premuto il ALT + F11 chiavi per aprire il Finestra di Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition.

2. Quindi scegli il foglio di lavoro usato da sinistra Esplora progetti, fare doppio clic per aprire il file Moduli, quindi copia e incolla il seguente codice VBA nel modulo vuoto:

Codice VBA: registra automaticamente la data e l'ora quando la cella cambia

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Update 20140722
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim xOffsetColumn As Integer
Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("B:B"), Target)
xOffsetColumn = 1
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each Rng In WorkRng
        If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
        End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub


3. Quindi salva e chiudi questo codice per tornare al foglio di lavoro, ora quando modifichi il valore della cella o digiti nuovi dati nella colonna B, la data e l'ora verranno registrate automaticamente nella colonna C.


1. Nel codice sopra, puoi modificare il "B: B"A qualsiasi altra colonna in cui desideri modificare i valori delle celle in questo script: Set WorkRng = Intersect (Application.ActiveSheet.Range ("B: B"), Target).

2. Con questo xColonnaOffset = 1 script, puoi inserire e aggiornare la data e l'ora nella prima colonna accanto alla colonna del valore che cambia, puoi cambiare il numero 1 con altri numeri, come 2,3,4,5 ... ciò significa che la data verrà inserita nel seconda, terza, quarta o quinta colonna oltre alla colonna dei valori modificati.

3. Quando si elimina un valore nella colonna modificata, verranno rimosse anche la data e l'ora.

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Comments (109)
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Is it is also possible to have a VBA code that is able to create a timestamp for cells that have a formula in it? So when the value changes (changes from empty cell to a cell with a value >0 in it) the timestamp appears?
Kind regards,
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Hello, Femke,
To solve your problem, please apply the below VBA code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Updateby ExtendOffice
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim xOffsetColumn As Integer
Dim xDRg As Range

On Error Resume Next
Set xDRg = Target.DirectDependents

If Not xDRg Is Nothing Then

Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("B:B"), xDRg)

xOffsetColumn = 1
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each Rng In WorkRng
        If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
        End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("B:B"), Target)
xOffsetColumn = 1
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    For Each Rng In WorkRng
        If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
            Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
        End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End If

End If
End Sub

Please have a try, hope it can help you!
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Sir ! I have a problem that I have data entering Column B in sheet 1 and Date Column C in sheet 2....please guide me what will be the code for that...Anyone
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I want to use this code to update multiple cells within the same sheet. How do I write this?For example, when cell C12 changes, C13 gets the datewhen cell C26 changes, C27 gets the date
when cell G13 changes, G14 gets the date
and so on
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datetime    auto_cycle    tool    time_difference
01-01-2021 :10:10:09    1    1    00:00:11
03-01-2021 :10:10:20    1    2    00:00:02
13-10-2021 :10:10:22    1    3    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:10:26    1    4    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:10:30    1    5    00:00:06
13-10-2021 :10:10:36    1    6    00:00:02
13-10-2021 :10:10:38    1    7    00:00:05
13-10-2021 :10:10:43    1    8    00:00:00
13-10-2021 :10:10:43    1    9    00:00:06
13-10-2021 :10:10:49    1    10    00:00:03
13-10-2021 :10:10:52    1    11    00:00:08
13-10-2021 :10:11:00    1    13    00:00:10
13-10-2021 :10:11:10    1    12    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:11:14    1    14    00:00:05
13-10-2021 :10:11:19    1    16    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:11:23    1    17    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:11:27    1    18    00:00:02
13-10-2021 :10:11:29    1    19    00:00:04
13-10-2021 :10:11:33    1    20    00:00:05
13-10-2021 :10:11:38    1    21    00:00:07
13-10-2021 :10:11:45    1    12    

this is my master file suppose i change the time value in a column corresponding time difference sshould be update in d column automatically without trigger the macro assigning button could you please help me out 
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I see a couple of people asking about formulas and I'm sorry if I missed the answer somewhere in the thread. I am updating very large data sets that then are migrated to hidden sheets. I have those sheets each set with this "latest update" code but since everything on those sheets references back to the larger data set, it does not see a cell update as the formulas remain the same even thought the values change. I need it to update when the value changes and not jus when the content of the cell changes.
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Sir ! Did you find solution of your problem then please share it with me.I am also facing the same issue...I am new in this...Please
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Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Update 20140722
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim xOffsetColumn As Integer
Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("A:A"), Target)
xOffsetColumn = 1
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Rng In WorkRng
If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

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1 26-02-2021, 11:32:49
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:49
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:49
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:49
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:50
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:50
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:50
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:50
1 26-02-2021, 11:32:50
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04
0 26-02-2021, 11:33:04

Why on 0 value its getting date.. when cell have data then only get date otherwise show we can do it vba code
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Hi,The code works perfect but if changed the data in A i was wondering if i could have the date in column B and the time in Column D?Thanks for any help.
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Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Update 20140722
Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim xOffsetColumn As Integer
Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("J:J"), Target)
xOffsetColumn = 1
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Rng In WorkRng
If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
xOffsetColumn = 2
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Rng In WorkRng
If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).Value = Now
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss"
Rng.Offset(0, xOffsetColumn).ClearContents
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
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Hi,If i were to have 2 columns duplicating the same macros, how can that be possible.
I want to show the date and time in column B for values changed in A; while also wanting to show the time and date in column D for values changed in C.
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Hi Extend Office, thank you for guiding me.I am a beginner , i had this problem which i saw some of your faced. This was the situationFor e.g
You want your date and time shown in Column A when any other column of the same row B:AZ for example got their values changed.So heres my solution. Please correct me if the code has any issues. TIA.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim WorkRng As Range
Dim Rng As Range
Dim xOffsetColumn As Integer
Set WorkRng = Intersect(Application.ActiveSheet.Range("B:AZ"), Target)'B:AZ put your own columns'rownumber=Activecell.Row will not work because it it will locate the adjacent row after you press enter or when ur mouse click on other cells
rownumber = Target.Row
If Not WorkRng Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Rng In WorkRng
If Not VBA.IsEmpty(Rng.Value) Then
Range("A" & rownumber).Value = Now 'gives A and the adjacent row number
Range("A" & rownumber).NumberFormat = "dd-mm-yyyy, hh:mm:ss"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Thank you.
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