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Come ordinare i dati su più fogli di lavoro contemporaneamente?

Autore: Xiaoyang Ultima modifica: 2020-05-29

In Excel, possiamo ordinare i dati in un foglio di lavoro in base a una colonna specifica in modo rapido e semplice, ma hai mai provato a ordinare i dati su più fogli di lavoro? Ordinarli uno per uno richiederà molto tempo, in questo articolo introdurrò un modo semplice per risolverlo.

Ordina i dati su più fogli di lavoro contemporaneamente con il codice VBA

freccia blu freccia destra Ordina i dati su più fogli di lavoro contemporaneamente con il codice VBA

Per ordinare i dati in base a una colonna in tutti i fogli della cartella di lavoro, il seguente codice VBA può aiutarti.

1. Tieni premuto il ALT + F11 chiavi per aprire il Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra.

2. Clic inserire > Modulie incolla il codice seguente nel file Moduli Finestra.

Codice VBA: ordina i dati su più fogli di lavoro contemporaneamente:

Sub SortAllSheets()
   'Updateby Extendoffice
   Dim WS      As Worksheet
   On Error Resume Next
   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   For Each WS In Worksheets
      WS.Columns("A:F").Sort Key1:=WS.Columns("E"), Order1:=xlDescending
   Next WS
   ActiveSheet.Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
   Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

3. Quindi premere F5 chiave per eseguire questo codice, tutti i fogli che hanno la stessa formattazione sono stati ordinati in base alla colonna E di ciascun foglio in ordine decrescente contemporaneamente.

Note:: Nel codice sopra, A: F è l'intervallo di dati che desideri ordinare, E è la lettera della colonna su cui si desidera ordinare in base.

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Comments (11)
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This didn't seem to work for me. I have a workbook with 12 sheets ordered by months of the year each sheet containing corresponding data regarding companies products etc. My objective is to sort and filter the all the sheets in the workbook. I would like to have one sheet that would act as the parent sheet (e.g. first month of the year), which I would perform a filter or sort function on (e.g. A -> Z sort) and automatically have the other sheets follow the same sort or filter. For example, when using the sheet labeled "January" if for example I choose column "D" which includes the days in the month which I want in "ascending" order - when actualizing the A -> Z sort on the "January" sheet, I want this to effect the rest of all the sheets in the sequence (Feb-Dec) with all days of the month sorted A -> Z. Any change made on the "January" sheet as it relates to sorting and filtering, should effect the balance of the sheets in the workbook.
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Can you run this without including all sheets? I.e. leave some sheets out of the macro?
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i want to split the data in multiple work books and then add the value in one of the column..

i have prepared the code to split the data in workbooks.. but need help on adding the total in one of the column
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works well but how can I avoid including the headings (ie row 1?)
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Hello, Lucy,
To sort all sheets exclude the header row, please apply the below vba code:(Note: please change the cell references to your need)

Sub SortAllSheets()
'Updateby Extendoffice
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim xIntR As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each WS In Worksheets
xIntR = Intersect(WS.UsedRange, WS.Range("A:F")).Rows.Count
WS.Range("A2:F" & xIntR).Sort Key1:=WS.Range("A2:A" & xIntR), Order1:=xlDescending
Next WS
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Please try, hope it can help you!
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Hey this is great thank you so much for this! My only issue with this code is that it does not execute on my first sheet. It does execute on my remaining sheets. HOw would I get this to execute on all of the sheets? It's as if the code skips over the first sheet. Any help would be much appreciated :)
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Very usefull code Thanks
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In the hope that you see this...! This works wonderfully - but it includes cells with a formula but no data, creating gaps in the tabs and messing up the data on the rows. I need to keep those cells in my tabs as they look up names added to the 'master tab' I want it to only sort cells with an actual name - a quick fix???
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worked like a charm for me...thank you!
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Doesn't work...
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How can I make this work for multiple columns. I am trying to sort some by the K column and some by the M column and I know the exact sheet numbers. My M column (when I use the above code) is only being sorted by the K, not by M, so therefore it is not working. 
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