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Come inviare un grafico specifico in un'e-mail con vba in Excel?

Autore: Silvia Ultima modifica: 2022-07-29

Potresti sapere come inviare un'e-mail tramite Outlook in Excel con codice VBA. Tuttavia, sai come allegare un grafico specifico in un determinato foglio di lavoro nel corpo dell'email? Questo articolo ti mostrerà il metodo per risolvere questo problema.

Invia un grafico specifico in un'e-mail in Excel con codice VBA

Invia un grafico specifico in un'e-mail in Excel con codice VBA

Si prega di fare quanto segue per inviare un grafico specifico in un'e-mail con codice VBA in Excel.

1. Nel foglio di lavoro che contiene il grafico che si desidera allegare al corpo dell'e-mail, premere il tasto altro + F11 chiavi per aprire il Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra.

2. Nel Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra, fare clic inserire > Moduli. Quindi copia sotto il codice VBA nella finestra del codice.

Codice VBA: invia un grafico specifico in un'e-mail in Excel

Sub mailHTMLsend()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/3/5
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xStartMsg As String
    Dim xEndMsg As String
    Dim xChartName As String
    Dim xChartPath As String
    Dim xPath As String
    Dim xChart As ChartObject
    On Error Resume Next
    xChartName = Application.InputBox("Please enter the chart name:", "KuTools for Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If xChartName = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set xChart = Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(xChartName) 'Change "Sheet1" to your worksheet name
    If xChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xStartMsg = "<font size='5' color='black'> Good Day," & "<br> <br>" & "Please find the chart below: " & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xEndMsg = "<font size='4' color='black'> Many Thanks," & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xChartPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".bmp"
    xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src=" & "cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """  width=700 height=500 > <br> <br>"
    xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
    With xOutMail
        .To = ""
        .Subject = "Add Chart in outlook mail body"
        .Attachments.Add xChartPath
        .HTMLBody = xStartMsg & xPath & xEndMsg
    End With
    Kill xChartPath
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub

Note:: Nel codice, modificare l'indirizzo e-mail del destinatario e l'oggetto dell'e-mail in linea .A = "" e la linea .Subject = "Aggiungi grafico nel corpo della posta di Outlook" , Sheet1 è il foglio che contiene il grafico che vuoi inviare, per favore cambialo con il tuo.

3. premi il F5 chiave per eseguire il codice. In apertura Kutools for Excel finestra di dialogo, immettere il nome del grafico da allegare nel corpo dell'e-mail, quindi fare clic su OK pulsante. Vedi screenshot:

Quindi viene creata automaticamente un'e-mail con il grafico specificato visualizzato nel corpo dell'e-mail come mostrato nell'immagine sottostante. Fare clic sul pulsante Invia per inviare questa email.

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Comments (15)
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With the above code, Chart can be seen in the Email body with the .Display.

When .Send is used to send the message, Mail dosent show chart in the Email body.
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Hi Jyoti,

Can you tell me what version of Excel you are using? The code works fine whether I change .Display to .Send or not.
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HELLO , I want to add space in mail body , which keyword should I use.
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Hi pavan chougule,
The following two lines in the code contain the email body content. You can manually modify the email body by pressing the space key on your keyboard to add a space.
xStartMsg = "<font size='5' color='black'> Good Day," & "<br> <br>" & "Please find the chart below: " & "<br> <br> </font>"
xEndMsg = "<font size='4' color='black'> Many Thanks," & "<br> <br> </font>"
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It includes the chart as an attachment. Do you have any idea how to include it as a picture in the mail body itself. Thank you,Youssef
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Same problem, any solution?
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Hi J,
The code has been updated. Please give it a try. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sub mailHTMLsend()
'Updated by Extendoffice 2018/3/5
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xStartMsg As String
    Dim xEndMsg As String
    Dim xChartName As String
    Dim xChartPath As String
    Dim xPath As String
    Dim xChart As ChartObject
    On Error Resume Next
    xChartName = Application.InputBox("Please enter the chart name:", "KuTools for Excel", , , , , , 2)
    If xChartName = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set xChart = Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(xChartName) 'Change "Sheet1" to your worksheet name
    If xChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xStartMsg = "<font size='5' color='black'> Good Day," & "<br> <br>" & "Please find the chart below: " & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xEndMsg = "<font size='4' color='black'> Many Thanks," & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xChartPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".bmp"
    xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src="/%20&%20"cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """  width=700 height=500 > <br> <br>"
    xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
    With xOutMail
        .To = ""
        .Subject = "Add Chart in outlook mail body"
        .Attachments.Add xChartPath
        .HTMLBody = xStartMsg & xPath & xEndMsg
    End With
    Kill xChartPath
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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mi nic sie nie załącza, czy coś tutaj należałoby wpisać jeszcze?
xPath = "co tutaj trzeba wprowadzić?"
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Hi Kuba,
The code has been updated. The recipient can view the chart normally. Please give it a try.
Note: In the code, please change the "Chart 1" to your own chart name. And specify the email address in the To field.
Sub mailHTMLsend()
'Updated by Extendoffice 20221013
    Dim xOutApp As Object
    Dim xOutMail As Object
    Dim xStartMsg As String
    Dim xEndMsg As String
    Dim xChartName 'As String
    Dim xChartPath As String
    Dim xPath As String
    Dim xChart As ChartObject
    On Error Resume Next
    xChartName = "Chart 1" 'The name of the chart in the current worksheet you want to send.
    If xChartName = "" Then Exit Sub
    Set xChart = Application.ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(xChartName)
    If xChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
    xStartMsg = "<font size='5' color='black'> Good Day," & "<br> <br>" & "Please find the chart below: " & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xEndMsg = "<font size='4' color='black'> Many Thanks," & "<br> <br> </font>"
    xChartPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".bmp"
    xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src="/%20&%20"cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """  width=700 height=500 > <br> <br>"
    xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath
    With xOutMail
        .To = "Email Address"
        .Subject = "Add Chart in outlook mail body"
        .Attachments.Add xChartPath
        .HTMLBody = xStartMsg & xPath & xEndMsg
    End With
    Kill xChartPath
    Set xOutMail = Nothing
    Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
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Hi Kuba,
Please remove the / tag in <img src="/.
The error is caused by the editor in the site.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
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cześć, pełny kod działa tylko do momentu podglądu komunikatu, przy wysyłce adresat otrzymuje błąd i wykresu nie widać ("Nie można wyświetlić połączonego obrazu. Plik mógł zostać przeniesiony lub usunięty albo zmieniono jego nazwę. Sprawdź czy łącze wskazuje poprawny plik i lokazlizację.") Czy z Was też tak ktoś miał czy tylko u mnie taki zonk? Prosze o pomoc, tutaj kod, który dotyczy wykresum już tak mało brakuje :)

Dim xChartName As String
Dim xChartPath As String
Dim xPath As String
Dim xChart As ChartObject
On Error Resume Next
Dim wydzialy As String
wydzialy = lista.Cells(3, 75)
xChartName = Application.InputBox(wydzialy, "KuTools for Excel", , , , , , 2) 'Wykres1 '"Please enter the chart name:"
If xChartName = "" Then Exit Sub
Set xChart = Sheets("Wykresy").ChartObjects(xChartName) 'Change "Sheet1" to your worksheet name
If xChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
xChartPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & Environ("USERNAME") & VBA.Format(VBA.Now(), "DD_MM_YY_HH_MM_SS") & ".svg" '.bmp '.svg '.svg ma lepsza jakość
xPath = "<p align='Left'><img src="/%20&%20"cid:" & Mid(xChartPath, InStrRev(xChartPath, "\") + 1) & """ width=500 height=300 > <br> <br>"
xChart.Chart.Export xChartPath

Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.To = emails(b)
.CC = emails_dw(b)
.Subject = "XXXX" ' - " & lista.Cells(i, 66)
.Attachments.Add xChartPath
.HTMLBody = "treść" & xPath

Set .SendUsingAccount = OutApp.Session.Accounts.Item(1)

End With
Kill xChartPath
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
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There is error in the code : "\") + 1) & """ width=700 height=50In the bold text the middle one should be a single inverted comma

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hola como puede enviar por correo, una tabla dinámica, y no un gráfico
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when i enter the chart name the mail doesn't generate the dialog box just closes, any idea what i have done wrong? I have followed each step
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The issue is that we can not set names for Chart Objects like tables. You need to pass the integer ID to work. For instance, if you only have 1 chart in the "Sheet1", trying passing the value 1 when the msgbox shows up.

PS: sorry for the bad english :]
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