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Come esportare la tabella del corpo dell'email per eccellere in Outlook?

Autore: Xiaoyang Ultima modifica: 2018-05-22

Quando si riceve un'e-mail che contiene alcune tabelle nel corpo, a volte potrebbe essere necessario esportare tutte le tabelle dal corpo del messaggio a un foglio di lavoro Excel. Normalmente, puoi copiare e incollare le tabelle nel foglio di lavoro, ma, qui, parlerò di un metodo utile per risolvere questo lavoro quando ci sono più tabelle da esportare.

Esporta tutte le tabelle dal corpo del messaggio di Outlook al foglio di lavoro Excel con codice VBA

Esporta tutte le tabelle dal corpo del messaggio di Outlook al foglio di lavoro Excel con codice VBA

Si prega di applicare il seguente codice VBA per esportare tutte le tabelle da un corpo del messaggio a un foglio di lavoro Excel.

1. Aprire il messaggio in cui si desidera esportare le tabelle e quindi tenere premuto il ALT + F11 chiavi per aprire il Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra.

2. Clic inserire > Modulie incolla il codice seguente nel file Moduli finestra.

Codice VBA: esporta tutte le tabelle dal corpo del messaggio al foglio di lavoro Excel:

Sub ImportTableToExcel()
Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.Document
Dim xExcel As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set xExcel = New Excel.Application
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Add
xExcel.Visible = True
Set xWs = xWb.Sheets(1)
xRow = 1
For Each xMailItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
    Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
    For I = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
        Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(I)
        xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
        xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
End Sub

doc esporta tabelle in Excel 1

3. Dopo aver incollato il codice sopra, sempre nel file Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition finestra, fare clic Strumenti > Riferimenti per andare al Riferimenti-Progetto1 finestra di dialogo e selezionare Libreria di oggetti di Microsoft Word ed Libreria di oggetti di Microsoft Excel opzioni dal Riferimenti disponibili casella di riepilogo, vedi screenshot:

doc esporta tabelle in Excel 2

4. Quindi fare clic OK pulsante per uscire dalla finestra di dialogo e ora, per favore F5 chiave per eseguire il codice, tutte le tabelle nel corpo del messaggio sono state esportate in una nuova cartella di lavoro come mostrato nella seguente schermata:

doc esporta tabelle in Excel 3

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Comments (19)
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re. Export all tables from Outlook message body to Excel worksheet with VBA code - i followed the instructions and it looked like it worked but where does the excel workbook go? I cant find it! (sorry, very new to this)
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The vba code will export the tables to a new opened workbook, and after getting the result, you just need to save the workbook to your desired location.
please have a try, hope this can help you!
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i need to extract a table of data i receive every hour to a saved file

this doesn't work for me
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Hi, i receive an email every hour with a table that i need to automatically send to a spreadsheet in a folder, will this code above work for that?
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Even I receive many email with specific subject which I want to extract those tables in that email... help needed
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Hello, arshad,
Do you mean to export all tables from the messages with the same subject into a worksheet?
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This VBA code is not working for me... after run not getting exported in excel
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I found a bug with this that I have not been able to resolve.

If I multi-select two emails, one with a single table and one with three tables, and run the code, Outlook crashes. But I noticed it is very specific to the order that the emails are initially selected.

1. For example if I click on the email with the three tables first, then ctrl-click the email with one table, the code runs without error.

2. If I do #1 first, then re-select the emails, this time click on the email with one table, then ctrl-click the email with three tables, it also run w/o error

3. Now if I close and restart Outlook and first click on the email with one table, then ctrl-click the email with three tables, Outlook crashes.

I also notice that when it does crash, it does it after it has copied/pasted the second table and before it does the third. In fact it doesn't even make it to the 'For I = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count' to get the third table.

The tables are 43 rows and 7 columns. There is not other text in the emails and I removed all data from the tables, so it is not related to the data in them. I tried removed rows and at some point it will start working, but not sure what that is telling me.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
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Same issue here as well. I tried to set the objects to nothing within each loop,but still it is not working.
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Having the same issue here. No solution yet but thought I would let you know you are not alone.
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Need help. I am a newbie and tried VBA code to copy table from outlook mail with specific subject to excel in specific location

Daily I receive a mail with subject "Backup Status today" and looking for a code to open that mail, copy the table and paste the table in excel in a specific location.

Issue: Code runs fine, no error. Mail gets opened and Excel gets opened but the table is not copied. Not sure where I went wrong. Please help.

Sub Openmail()

Dim xMailItem As Variant
Dim olNs As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olFldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olItms As Outlook.Items
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.document
Dim wordApp As Object
Dim xExcel As Object
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Long
Dim v As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim StrFile$
On Error Resume Next

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olFldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set olItms = olFldr.Items
Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set xExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xRow = 1
I = 1

For Each xMailItem In olItms
If Int(xMailItem.ReceivedTime) >= Date Then
If InStr(xMailItem.Subject, "Backup Status today") > 0 Then
Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
For v = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(v)
StrFile = "C:\Users\priyanka.jeganathan\OneDrive - Accenture\Accenture\Learning\Daily DashBoard Basesheet.xlsx"
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(StrFile)
Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets("IRIS Daily")
xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
I = I + 1
End If
End If
Next xMailItem
xWs.Range("A1:A6").ColumnWidth = 43
xWs.Rows("1:6").RowHeight = 16.5
Set olFldr = Nothing
Set olNs = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
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Hello, Blessy,
If you want to open the email with specific subject and export the tables from the message body to an Excel file, may be the below VBA code can do you a favor, please try:

Sub ImportTableToExcelBySubject()
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.Document
Dim xExcel As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
On Error Resume Next
If Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xExcel = New Excel.Application
Set xFileDialog = xExcel.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
xFileDialog.Filters.Add "Excel Workbook", "*.xls*", 1
If xFileDialog.Show = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(xFileDialog.SelectedItems(1))
Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets(1)
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
xRow = 1
For Each xItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
If xItem.Class = olMail Then
Set xMailItem = xItem
If InStr(xMailItem.Subject, "Backup Status today") > 0 Then 'enter the subject into the double quote
Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
For I = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(I)
xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
End If
End If
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
xExcel.Visible = True
End Sub
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Thank you Skyyang. It works. Except it fetches all the mail with "Backup Status today" wherein I want this code to run on mails received today. Have updated your code, but still it copies the table from all the mails received in the past too. Please help.

Sub ImportTableToExcelBySubject()
Dim xItem As Object
Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.document
Dim xExcel As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
Dim Drt As Date
On Error Resume Next
If Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xExcel = New Excel.Application
Set xFileDialog = xExcel.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
xFileDialog.Filters.Add "Excel Workbook", "*.xls*", 1
If xFileDialog.Show = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(xFileDialog.SelectedItems(1))
Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets(1)
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
xRow = 1
For Each xItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder.Items
If xItem.Class = olMail Then
Set xMailItem = xItem
Drt = xMailItem.ReceivedTime
If Drt <= Date And InStr(xMailItem.Subject, "Backup Status today") > 0 Then 'enter the subject into the double quote
Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
For I = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(I)
xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
End If
End If
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
xExcel.Visible = True
End Sub
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What reference/ object library needs to be activated in excel? I am actually new to VBA and learning .
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Hi, Blessy,

If you just need to import the tables with specific subject, you should apply the below VBA code. First, you need to select the email with the subject you need, and then run this code. Please try.

Sub ImportTableToExcelBySubject()
Dim xMailItem As MailItem
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.Document
Dim xExcel As Excel.Application
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim xFileDialog As FileDialog
On Error Resume Next
Set xExcel = New Excel.Application
Set xFileDialog = xExcel.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
xFileDialog.Filters.Add "Excel Workbook", "*.xls*", 1
If xFileDialog.Show = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(xFileDialog.SelectedItems(1))
Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets(1)
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = False
xRow = 1
For Each xMailItem In Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection
If InStr(xMailItem.Subject, "Backup Status today") > 0 Then
Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
For I = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(I)
xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
End If
xExcel.DisplayAlerts = True
xExcel.Visible = True
End Sub
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Thank you, Skyyang for your response. My whole target is to run the code in outlook VBA so that it searches for mail recieved on "current date" in other words "today" with subject "Backup Status today" and copy the table from that mail to excel in tabular format. Please help on this.. instead of we select that mail, let the code selects the mail and copy the content to excel. is there a way... ? Please help, it will save my day.
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Need help, VBA to copy table from outlook mail with specific subject to excel in a specific location

I receive a mail with subject "Backup Status today" with a table of 2 columns and 6 rows in my Inbox. Trying to write a code to open the mail and copy the table and paste it in excel in a specific location.

Issue: Code runs fine, no error. Mails opens and also the excel file opens. But the table is not copied. Please help on this.

Sub Openmail()

Dim xMailItem As Variant
Dim olNs As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim olFldr As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim olItms As Outlook.Items
Dim xTable As Word.Table
Dim xDoc As Word.document
Dim wordApp As Object
Dim xExcel As Object
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Long
Dim v As Integer
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim StrFile$
On Error Resume Next

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set olFldr = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set olItms = olFldr.Items
Set wordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set xExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

xRow = 1
I = 1

For Each xMailItem In olItms
If Int(xMailItem.ReceivedTime) >= Date Then
If InStr(xMailItem.Subject, "Backup Status today") > 0 Then
Set xDoc = xMailItem.GetInspector.WordEditor
For v = 1 To xDoc.Tables.Count
Set xTable = xDoc.Tables(v)
StrFile = "C:\Users\priyanka.jeganathan\OneDrive - Accenture\Accenture\Learning\Daily DashBoard Basesheet.xlsx"
Set xWb = xExcel.Workbooks.Open(StrFile)
Set xWs = xWb.Worksheets("IRIS Daily")
xRow = xRow + xTable.Rows.Count + 1
xWs.Range("A" & CStr(xRow)).Select
I = I + 1
End If
End If
Next xMailItem
xWs.Range("A1:A6").ColumnWidth = 43
xWs.Rows("1:6").RowHeight = 16.5
Set olFldr = Nothing
Set olNs = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
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How to open a mail with specific subject and copy the table in spreadsheet with a specific name. Please help.
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This works great! Thank you very much
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