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Come contare le ore / i giorni / le settimane trascorse su un appuntamento o una riunione in Outlook?

Autore: Kelly Ultima modifica: 2020-12-23

Supponiamo che ci siano molti appuntamenti e riunioni in un calendario in Outlook. E ora vuoi contare le ore / i giorni / le settimane trascorse in questi appuntamenti e riunioni, qualche idea? Questo articolo introdurrà un VBA per aiutarti.

Contare ore / giorni / settimane trascorse su un appuntamento o un incontro con VBA

Contare ore / giorni / settimane trascorse su un appuntamento o un incontro con VBA

Questo metodo introdurrà un VBA per contare le ore oi minuti spesi per l'appuntamento o la riunione specificati in Outlook. Si prega di fare quanto segue:

1. Passare alla cartella Calendario e fare clic per selezionare l'appuntamento o la riunione di cui verranno conteggiate le ore trascorse.

2. Stampa altro + F11 tasti contemporaneamente per aprire la finestra di Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition.

3. Clic inserire > Moduli, quindi incolla sotto il codice VBA nella finestra del modulo di apertura.

VBA: conta ore / minuti trascorsi su un appuntamento o una riunione in Outlook

Sub CountTimeSpent()
Dim oOLApp As Outlook.Application
Dim oSelection As Outlook.Selection
Dim oItem As Object
Dim iDuration As Long
Dim iTotalWork As Long
Dim iMileage As Long
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim bShowiMileage As Boolean

bShowiMileage = False

iDuration = 0
iTotalWork = 0
iMileage = 0

On Error Resume Next

    Set oOLApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oSelection = oOLApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection

    For Each oItem In oSelection
If oItem.Class = olAppointment Then
iDuration = iDuration + oItem.Duration
iMileage = iMileage + oItem.Mileage
ElseIf oItem.Class = olTask Then
iDuration = iDuration + oItem.ActualWork
iTotalWork = iTotalWork + oItem.TotalWork
iMileage = iMileage + oItem.Mileage
ElseIf oItem.Class = Outlook.olJournal Then
iDuration = iDuration + oItem.Duration
iMileage = iMileage + oItem.Mileage
iResult = MsgBox("Please select some Calendar, Task or Journal items at first!", vbCritical, "Items Time Spent")
Exit Sub
End If

Dim MsgBoxText As String
MsgBoxText = "Total time spent: " & vbNewLine & iDuration & " minutes"

If iDuration > 60 Then
MsgBoxText = MsgBoxText & HoursMsg(iDuration)
End If

If iTotalWork > 0 Then
MsgBoxText = MsgBoxText & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Total work recorded; " & vbNewLine & iTotalWork & " minutes"

If iTotalWork > 60 Then
MsgBoxText = MsgBoxText & HoursMsg(iTotalWork)
End If
End If

If bShowiMileage = True Then
MsgBoxText = MsgBoxText & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Total iMileage; " & iMileage
End If

    iResult = MsgBox(MsgBoxText, vbInformation, "Items Time spent")

Set oItem = Nothing
Set oSelection = Nothing
Set oOLApp = Nothing
End Sub

Function HoursMsg(TotalMinutes As Long) As String
Dim iHours As Long
Dim iMinutes As Long
iHours = TotalMinutes \ 60
iMinutes = TotalMinutes Mod 60
HoursMsg = " (" & iHours & " Hours and " & iMinutes & " Minutes)"
End Function

4. premi il F5 o fare clic su Correre pulsante per eseguire questo VBA.

E ora viene visualizzata una finestra di dialogo che mostra quante ore / minuti ha trascorso l'appuntamento / riunione selezionato. Vedi screenshot:

Note:: È possibile selezionare più appuntamenti o riunioni contemporaneamente per contare le ore / i minuti totali trascorsi su di essi con questo codice VBA.

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Comments (11)
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Hallo Amanda,

Vielen Dank für die Rückfrage.

Hier ein Beispiel. Im Kalender werden 2 Termine ausgewählt.

Termin 1:
Gesamtdauer: 2 Stunden
Teilnehmer: A, B, C

Termin 2:
Gesamtdauer: 3 Stunden
Teilnehmer: B, C, D

Ergebnis der Auswertung (Reihenfolge egal):
Gesamtdauer Teilnehmer A: 2 Stunden
Gesamtdauer Teilnehmer B: 5 Stunden
Gesamtdauer Teilnehmer C: 5 Stunden
Gesamtdauer Teilnehmer D: 3 Stunden

Das ganze dann am besten in einer .csv oder excel oder irgendwas was man speichern und bearbeiten kann ;o)

Damit will ich erreichen das ich die Zeiten welche unser Dienstleister mit uns in Terminen verbringt abgleichen kann mit dem was er uns abrechnet. D.h. ich sehe was er sagt was er noch sonst so treibt... oder auch eben nicht ;o)
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Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das MAcro so anzupassen das die Summe der Zeiten je Teilnehmer in den Terminen ermittelt wird? Als Projektmanager bin ich inteessiert zu wissen wieviele Stunden wir mit einme Dienstleister in Terminen verbringen.

Vielen Dank!
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Do you mean that you want to get the total number of time across all events that are related with a specific attendee?
I am not quite sure that I understand what you want.

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C'est parfait même et surtout pour une analphabète de l'informatique. Merci.
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Can you do the same in OWA?
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What a very helpful macro! Thank you!
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how do you count total time for all meetings on a calendar over a period. We are trying to figure out how much our different staff members are spending in meetings in total.
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You need to change the calendar view to a list view that shows all of the appointments together, and then you can highlight all of those that you're interested in totaling, and run that VBA macro.
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Did you get a response on this or figured it out ? Im trying to do the same.
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I shifted to month mode and selected all invites using drag and drop, able to see the sum of all meetings. hope it helps.
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Thanks for a very useful macro! I just found one error: oItem.Mileage is a String not a Long. This error caused the macro to got blocked.
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