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Come contare le e-mail per categoria in Outlook?

Autore: Kelly Ultima modifica: 2016-11-15

Potresti aver evidenziato e-mail con categorie di colori in Outlook. Ma sai come contare le e-mail per categorie? Questo articolo condividerà due soluzioni:

Scheda Office: abilita la modifica e la navigazione a schede in Microsoft Office, rendendo il lavoro un gioco da ragazzi
Kutools per Outlook: potenzia Outlook con oltre 100 funzionalità avanzate per un'efficienza superiore
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freccia blu freccia destra Contare le e-mail per categoria in Outlook con la funzione di ricerca istantanea

Questo metodo ti guiderà a scoprire tutte le email contrassegnate con le categorie di colore specificate dal file ricerca istantanea e quindi ottenere facilmente il numero totale di tutti i risultati della ricerca nel file Barra di stato.

1. Nel posta visualizzare, premere Ctrl + E contemporaneamente i tasti per attivare il Strumenti di ricerca.

2. Clic Cerca > Classificato, quindi seleziona la categoria di colore specificata in base alla quale conterai le email.

3. Ora tutte le e-mail contrassegnate con la categoria di colore specificata vengono rilevate ed elencate nella lista di posta. E puoi facilmente ottenere il numero totale di tutti i risultati della ricerca sulla barra di stato. Vedi screenshot:


(1) Per il conteggio dei messaggi di posta elettronica contrassegnati con Categoria gialla ed Categoria arancione contemporaneamente, digita i criteri di ricerca categoria: = "Categoria gialla" AND "Categoria arancione" nella ricerca istantanea scatola direttamente:

(2) Per il conteggio dei messaggi di posta elettronica contrassegnati con Categoria gialla or Categoria arancione contemporaneamente, digita i criteri di ricerca categoria: = "Categoria gialla" O "Categoria arancione" nella ricerca istantanea scatola direttamente.

freccia blu freccia destra Conta le email per categoria in Outlook con VBA

Questo metodo introdurrà un VBA per contare le e-mail per categoria in un intervallo di date personalizzato in Outlook. Si prega di fare quanto segue:

1. Nel posta visualizza, seleziona la cartella di posta elettronica in cui conterai le email.

2. Stampa altro + F11 tasti contemporaneamente per aprire la finestra di Microsoft Visual Basic, Applications Edition.

3. Clic inserire > Moduli, quindi incolla sotto il codice VBA nella nuova finestra del modulo di apertura:

VBA: conta le e-mail per categoria in Outlook

Sub CategoriesEmails()

Dim oFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim oDict As Object
Dim sStartDate As String
Dim sEndDate As String
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items
Dim sStr As String
Dim sMsg As String

On Error Resume Next
Set oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder

Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

sStartDate = InputBox("Type the start date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")
sEndDate = InputBox("Type the end date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")

Set oItems = oFolder.Items.Restrict("[Received] >= '" & sStartDate & "' And [Received] <= '" & sEndDate & "'")
oItems.SetColumns ("Categories")

For Each aitem In oItems
sStr = aitem.Categories
If Not oDict.Exists(sStr) Then
oDict(sStr) = 0
End If
oDict(sStr) = CLng(oDict(sStr)) + 1
Next aitem

sMsg = ""
For Each aKey In oDict.Keys
sMsg = sMsg & aKey & ":   " & oDict(aKey) & vbCrLf
MsgBox sMsg

Set oFolder = Nothing

 End Sub

4. premi il F5 o fare clic sul pulsante Esegui per eseguire questo VBA.

5. (1) Nella prima finestra di dialogo di Microsoft Outlook che si apre, digita la data di inizio dell'intervallo di date personalizzato in cui conterai le e-mail e fai clic su OK pulsante. (2) Nella seconda finestra di dialogo di Microsoft Outlook, digitare la data di fine e fare clic su OK pulsante. Vedi screenshot:

E ora viene visualizzata una finestra di dialogo che mostra il numero di e-mail contrassegnate con categorie di colori. Vedi screenshot:

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Comments (18)
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hi, i was able to do the export to excel, by eliminating the row Dim xWb As Workbook, xWs As Worksheet, but i really need to count the emails on daily basis, on the input date window, if i put the same day it wont give me back any results, i have to put 2 different days for it to work, is there a way around this? so i can count the emails on 1 day instead of 2
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The total number of emails just used to appear beside the Name of the catagory. Does anyone know how to set this?
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Instead of only calculating from the selected folder, is there a way to include all the sub folders as well?
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Did you manage to solve this ?
I would like to count in subfolders to.
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Hello, is there is a possibility to count letters marked with categories if in one letter we have few cases and they must be counted: for example green category - 1 letter with 3 cases inside = 3 green category cases ?

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is there a way you can covert this into an excel table?
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Hi Dylan,
Below VBA code will place the count results in a new Excel workbook.
FYI, please enable the reference of “Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library” before running the VBA.
Sub CategoriesEmails()
Dim xFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim xDict As Object
Dim xStartDate As String, xEndDate As String
Dim xItems As Outlook.Items
Dim xStr As String, xMsg As String
Dim xExlApp As Object
Dim xWb As Workbook, xWs As Worksheet
Dim I As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set xExlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xWb = xExlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xWs = xWb.Sheets.Item(1)
Set xFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set xDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
xStartDate = InputBox("Type the start date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")
xEndDate = InputBox("Type the end date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")
Set xItems = xFolder.Items.Restrict("[ReceivedTime] >= '" & xStartDate & "' And [ReceivedTime] <= '" & xEndDate & "'")
'xItems.SetColumns ("Categories")
For Each xItem In xItems
xStr = xItem.Categories
If Not xDict.Exists(xStr) Then
xDict(xStr) = 0
End If
xDict(xStr) = CLng(xDict(xStr)) + 1
Next xItem
xMsg = ""
xWs.Range("A1", "B1").Font.Bold = True
With xWs.Range("A1", "B1")
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.IndentLevel = 0
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
End With
xWs.Cells(1, 1) = "Categories"
xWs.Cells(1, 2) = "Count"
I = 2
For Each xKey In xDict.Keys
If xKey <> "" Then
xWs.Cells(I, 1) = xKey
xWs.Cells(I, 2) = xDict(xKey)
I = I + 1
End If
xWs.Range("A1", "B" + CStr(I)).Columns.AutoFit
xExlApp.Visible = True
Set xFolder = Nothing
End Sub
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Hi guys,
To make the above code run porperly, please first enable the reference of “Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library”.
To do so, please do as follows:1. In your Outlook, go to the tab Developer > Visual Basic.2. In the pop-up window, click Tools.3. In the pop-up dialog, check Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library, then click OK, see screenshot.
Note that the 16.0 indicates version number, so if it's not the same in your dialog, it doesn't matther. However, if you cannot find the Microsoft Excel (version number) Object Library, make sure that you have Excel installed in your computer.
After you enable the reference, please use the code above.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
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I know this is an older thread, but if anyone can assist it would be greatly appreciated. When running the code I'm hitting a compile error "User-defined type not defined" for the 8th line "Dim xWB As Workbook, xWs As Worksheet"
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Did you manage to solve this ?
I got the same problem
Simply delete the row:Dim xWb As Workbook, xWs As Worksheet
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Can you add a way to breakout the count columns by day? So I could run a full month and then have counts broken out by day.
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Hi Hannah,

Please try the code below:

<div data-tag="code">Sub CategoriesEmails()
Dim oFolder As MAPIFolder
Dim oDict As Object
Dim sStartDate As String
Dim sEndDate As String
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items
Dim sStr As String
Dim sMsg As String
Dim xStr, xStrDate, xStrDate_D As String
Dim xArr As Variant
Dim xNum As Integer
Dim xRlt As String
On Error Resume Next
Set oFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
xNum = 0
Set oDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
sStartDate = InputBox("Type the start date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")
sEndDate = InputBox("Type the end date (format MM/DD/YYYY)")
Set oItems = oFolder.Items.Restrict("[ReceivedTime] >= '" & sStartDate & "' And [ReceivedTime] <= '" & sEndDate & "'")
oItems.SetColumns ("ReceivedTime")
xStrDate_D = ""
xRlt = ""
For Each aitem In oItems
xStr = aitem.ReceivedTime
If Trim(xStr) <> "" Then
xArr = Split(xStr, " ")
xStrDate = xArr(0)
If xStrDate_D = "" Then
xStrDate_D = xStrDate
xNum = 1
If xStrDate <> "" Then
If xStrDate = xStrDate_D Then
xNum = xNum + 1
If xRlt = "" Then
xRlt = xStrDate_D & ":" & xNum
xRlt = xRlt & vbCrLf & xStrDate_D & ":" & xNum
End If
xStrDate_D = xStrDate
xNum = 1
End If
End If
End If
End If
If xRlt <> "" Then
MsgBox xRlt
MsgBox "No data found."
End If
End Sub
Also, for more statistic analysis, please go to the tab Kutools Plus > Statistics if you have installed Kutools for Outlook. If not, please <a href="">click here to download</a> and get a 30-day trail for free.
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Thank you so much for your help!! I don't think I was clear enough in my initial question. Is there a way to have it break out by category and then give a count by day? So X Category would be broken down by count into date columns?
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This was helpful for me also, thank you so much for sharing!
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Hi , thanks it workd perfectly for month of June, but when I run this for July, it only shows the total number of emails... any idea?
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Hi Thanks, it works perfectly, just one quick query- Can we get the Msgbox results to be displayed in excel, as whenever i want to run the macro it should be displayed in excel.
every time one below the previous results.
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This would be great!
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This is perfect, but how can I change the VBA to include subfolders of the current folder in the count?
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